Arts Initiatives Expanding In District One

Campobello, S.C. — Three elementary schools in Spartanburg School District One will be expanding their arts initiatives throughout the next year as recipients of the Distinguished Arts Program grant funded by the South Carolina Department of Education.

District One was recently informed by State Superintendent of Education, Molly Spearman and the SCDE that New Prospect Elementary School, Inman Intermediate School and Holly-Springs Motlow have been awarded Distinguished Arts Program grants. The arts teachers at these sites put significant time and energy into supporting quality arts education programs that significantly improve student achievement, as well as student growth in the arts.  Each school will receive $12, 600, for a district total of $37,800.

In addition to their school allocations, $5,400 has been allocated to each school for professional development opportunities at the SCDE Summer Arts Institute being held throughout the summer months.

Funding from these grants will enable the receiving schools to write a comprehensive strategic arts plan that includes dance, media arts, music, theatre, and visual arts. Each school will use this additional funding in unique ways including bringing in Artists in Residence, creating performance venues, and supplying additional arts materials and supplies. Through these grants, students will have expanded opportunities within the arts discipline that they would not ordinarily receive in the standard Arts curriculum.

Cindy Riddle, Coordinator of Visual and Performing Arts for District One explains, “The Distinguished Arts Program awards will assist HSM, IIS, and NPE in further developing and implementing innovative arts initiatives at each school site. One goal of our student-centered arts programming in District One is to continuously support an exemplary, sequential arts education to meet the individual needs of our students.”

The purpose of developing a strategic arts plan is to significantly improve student achievement in the visual and performing arts based on the implementation of the 2010 South Carolina Academic Standards for the Visual and Performing Arts (SCASVPA).

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